Learning Corner

I have decided to keep this learning corner simple and outside this blog mainly due to I can’t find a way to do it in this page with the structure I want.

Yvette’s Learning Corner will document down those books we borrowed for Yvette.

In this site, you will be able to find activities I do with Yvette and our weekly homeschooling.

All About Maths. (From 3yo onward):-

All About Science & General Knowledge. (From 3yo onward):-

P.S.: I used 2010 Week xx as my title doesn’t equal to the number of week I did my homeschooling. It only refer to the week that this lesson is carried out.

21 thoughts on “Learning Corner

  1. Stumbled upon your blog while googling for materials to teach Natasha.
    You’re an amazing mom and so hardworking.You really are an inspiration to me –your life story and what you strive for Yvette.I think you,ve done a great job.

    • Susie,


      I am still thinking shall I share my blog with you as I have never share with anyone in JGC (that why I still have not email you on the material). Anyway, since you found out, feel free you read everything up here. And if you need help on material, you can always email me or ask me in class. 😀

  2. Hi,

    i am very impressed on how you prepare the teaching stuff for your girl. i also intend to start preparing mine for my boy. however i am lost and do not know where to start. my boy is 14 months old. can give me some advise how to start? thanks

    • Thanks the compliment.

      As I am not an expert in Early Childhood, I teach my child base on my reading on other people’s blog and her interest. In order to start, first you have to understand your child interest so to make it easy to start.

      NOT GIVING UP is the key to success in getting toddlers to learn. And trying many many ways to stimulate their learning interest.

      Ways in getting there:

      1. Read. Reading gives the child empowerment on words. Many of us find reading to young toddler is a very difficult task. And this happens to us. We didn’t read extensively to Yvette since she was a baby only start to read to her when she was one. This is a very big obstacle for us to move on. Even you think your child is not looking at the book (eg. like Yvette. Yvette doesn’t look at the illustration of the book till she almost turned two.) or even not listening to you as you read. Never stop reading. Just read and read and read aloud to the child everyday. 2-3 books per day and rotate them (We have weekly books and monthly books) But never never stop reading. We have overcome it and Yvette loves to read a lot now.

      2. By TV programs. Many find introducing Educational program to young child is a way in getting them there in letter recognition. Leapfrog, Baby can Read and Wink To Learn is the most effective TV program now for letter recognition now. TV doesn’t work on us. But from some blogs and Forums I been reading, it seems to work on most babies and tots.

      3. Using Starfall for learning. I start doing Starfall with Yvette when Yvette was 21 mths. Since your boy is still very young, perhaps 5 to 10 mins per day or 5 letters per week to get his interest going.

      4. Try Youtube. Again many blogs I read and from Forums, many mothers highly recommended Youtube. You can find good story and rhymes for learning. As Yvette is really into The Very hungry Caterpillar now, I manage to find the Video in Youtube –

      5. Use iPhone/iPod/iPad. Well this is a expensive way of learning, if you are under budget. But this is the current trend. As Yvette didn’t watch TV nor watching Youtube, I usually give her access to our iPod Touch Freely. I recommend iPod Touch and iPad but not iPhone due to radiation.

      6. Doing Montessori’s activity build up your child concentration. Spooning, storing, matching is very good for building up attention span.

      7. Motorskill – I see this as very important part of their growth.

      8. Playdate – If your child is the only child like mine, try to arrange some playdates or send your child to 2 hours playgroup will help your child social development. I feel this is another area parents don’t pay much attention on it. Often they left it as last task of their list.

      9. Enrichment. Well unless you have some money to spare. Try at least one enrichment. That depends on what you like. Anything from music, brain development, or playground like JGC for baby program. (Actually I don’t regard JGC as Enrichment for toddler program as most parents now sending their child to playgroup when their child turns 18 mths.)

      For learning materials, there are really many, many sites that you can google. Many free printables for our young toddler.

      If you likes my materials you can always email me and I will definitely send you my soft copy.

      I hope you didn’t miss out this post:-


      And lastly, toys. I hope your child like to play toys. Toys don’t need to be expensive. Simple toy like empty carton box, pots and pans at home will make a child very happy. And don’t forget to talk to your child everyday. This helps in speech development.

      Wow, this is the longest comment reply I ever type, hope it helps!

  3. Hi sunflower,

    thanks for taking the time to reply me in details. Really appreciate! 🙂 Thanks for the guidance, i will think through and get orgainse.

  4. Hi sunflower,

    forget to ask, can i request for your materials?

    i have just signed up a trial lesson at GUG ,hopefully can get some sugguestion from there.

    For TV, he has been watching Barney everyday. He likes it very much. recenly, i also start a new video – “Little Bear” recommend by one of my friends.

    I intend to start with teaching Alphabet. One alphabet a week. I got this idea from your blog and trying to follow what u are doing. the preparation work is very tough. as i am a working mother, i dont have much time to prepare, but i trying my best to do as much as possible during night time and weekend.

    • Wow, thumb up for your attitude!

      But if you try to follow me, I am afraid it might be too much on you. Preparation will take up a lot of your time. Of course I will be very happy if you follow what I have taught but I would like to suggest you do the following:

      1. Read books to your child everyday.
      2. Follow this curriculum – http://www.letteroftheweek.com/Preparatory.html (Books to read aloud that support the theme is very important, don’t miss out this.)
      3. Do craft related to the letter once per week – I like No Time For Flash Card a lot – http://www.notimeforflashcards.com/
      4.. Lastly not forgetting to include motor skill.

      You might want to add some TV time which you already do so and perhaps Starfall.

      I have sent you mail. Check it out!

  5. Hi,

    i saw the Alphabet u printed, have some small pictures below. for eg, Letter F – frog, fish , firefighter, fruits..

    May i know where you get the resources?


  6. Hi sunflower,
    I am truly impressed with your commitment and efforts you have put in to do this with Yvette. I am going to be SAHM come next year for my 2 kids, aged 29mths and 13mths. Some materials and ideas you have shared are truly inspirational and fun. But I have tried doing some of the stuffs you mentioned, but I find it challenging though to keep up. Thanks for sharing 🙂

    • Thanks Cherries. I congratz you joining us as SAHM and I am very sure you will find this role very very rewarding!

      Yes it is hard to keep with this structure learning lesson, that’s why I need a break!

      But knowing Yvette will definitely benefit from this, I am coming back with another lesson plan!

  7. Hi Sunflower, is it possible for you to share those little cards you made on weather (sunny, cloudy, stormy..) with me? the one that simulates classes in LNT ?

    • I have resent the file. If you can’t receive again, kindly send me a mail at my gmail account, I shall use your mail to reply you. (Just in case you type in wrong email address.) (I used copy and paste method)

  8. Hello I came across your blog while in Beijing china and I am very impressed by your effort to teach Yvette! Can you share with me some applications that are good for tots learning that I can use on my ipad? Thanks!

    • Oo, I wonder how you manage to find my blog in Beijing China?

      Anyway, here are the applications we use:


      More for Chinese:
      1. Chinese 100 – Ming Ming
      2.Kids Marndarin

      For English, (strangely, I couldn’t find the list I pen down in this site) :

      Applications we are using and Yvette like alot are:

      1. Ladybug – a song
      2. Animal Fun
      3. Singkids & SingSing & KidsSongs
      4. Bus
      5. ICME Lite
      6. FW Deluxe – This is a very good application to learn word and spelling. (Try the free version if you don’t have it.)
      7. Alphabet
      8. IWriteWords – This is good for pre-writing
      9. Kidztory 4 – The Three Little Pigs
      10. Kidztory 2 – The Boy who Cried Wolf (Yvette’s favourite)
      11. Kidztory 5 – The Liong and the Mouse
      12. Tap & Sound
      13. Word Magic
      14. Phonics
      15.4 Letter Words
      16. Shape Puzzle
      17. ABC Ville
      18. Teach Me (Maths)
      19. 123 Count with Me!
      20. ShapeBuilder
      21. Tangrams

  9. A really belated thanks for sharing and my daughter has been using these apps 🙂 i forgot how I got linked to your blog but have been following your family’s developments! I really admire your efforts in teaching Yvette, I am just not persistent enough!

    • haha.. don’t need to do belated thanks.. sound so distant!

      Oh well…. We are trying to be the best out of the best. I hope you can be more persistent. After all, we will be responsible for our children’s future.

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