The Follow Up & The Healing Soul

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Again this site spells my emotion situation well.

Emotional Health

Losing a pregnancy at any stage can be hard, and even when there may technically be no baby to grieve due to the reactions of the cells involved. This means that there will have to be a healing time for all involved and the stages of grief will be experienced, though not necessarily in order or at the same time as your partner.

What makes this type of loss different from a "normal miscarriage" or loss is that you have the added concern of the mother’s continued health, including the risk of cancer.

While the risks of a molar pregnancy repeating itself are very small, it is something that most couples will think about prior to conceiving again.

The time to wait for another conception is also longer than a standard waiting time after a miscarriage. This can add pressure and heart ache.

Counselling, support groups, journaling, anything you can do to get your emotions out are great. Look for local resources as well as resources online.

Attempting Pregnancy Again

Do you or don’t you? This is not an easy question.

If you’ve previously had a molar pregnancy without complications, your risk of having another molar pregnancy are about 1-2%. These odds are less than having a second ectopic pregnancy (7-25%), so in that respect the answer is good.

Medically it will depend on many factors. So couples will choose to have genetic counselling prior to conceiving again. In the end it’s up to you and your partner if you wish to try again.

There are many support systems available for subsequent pregnancies, including Pregnancy After Miscarriage List and Subsequent Pregnancy after Loss Mailing Lists. I highly encourage you to seek both medical and emotional support during these times.

Women at Risk

  • Early Teens
  • Over 40 years
  • Clomiphene stimulation
  • 1-2% chance of a second mole


The Follow up - IMG_0024

I was terrible upset ever since this happened. A horrifying pregnancy that might cost my life. I cried like my heart out when I heard the bad news of my blood test in the office and I was called back by the clinic to do the X-ray before the procedure was done on Monday (11/04/11).

Dr Chan told me the “worst” was over after looking at the X-ray (my heart was not affected) but then the diagnosis of the mole was a complete mole. I need to go back to the hospital every Friday to do a blood test to ensure everything will go back to normal.

It wasn’t easy on me, on us.

I did another blood test yesterday and today I received the good news my hCG level had dropped to 6k plus. I still need to be monitored closely. I believe I need to be monitored for a year before my gynae will give me the green light to try for another baby.

The fear within me that I need to be treated for a year is biting me off slowly. What if the situation turns against me?

A rising level of hCG and an enlarging uterus could indicate a Choriocarcinoma. A rare pregnancy-related form of cancer.

That might happen during the next 12 months. I might need to be again seeking another round of treatment. Unwillingly entering the most difficult part of my life.

I really want to continue to breathe in this world. I really want to see my own child grown up as an adult. I do really wish I can be grandmother one day. But my risk stake is rather high at this moment. What if I am the loser of this battle?

We merely want to have another child but then the outcome was so unexpected!!!!!!!!!!! It is never easy for me. Recalling the distress we had  went through on Saturday and Sunday (09-10/04/11) after the check up, I am still very very bitter over it.

So, we have more or less accepted and decided – we rather Yvette growing up without a sibling than without a mom!

Unless God decides otherwise.

P/S: A Big Thank You to those readers who sent me emails, readers who sent me sms and leaving comment to encourage me. I really appreciate the encouragement from all of  you!

26 thoughts on “The Follow Up & The Healing Soul

  1. Pingback: The “Needed” Confinement | Once In A LifeTime

  2. I just had the chance to catch up with all your posts. So sorry to hear about all that has happened. Rest well and take it one step at a time. Take care, I know you’re in a very difficult situation at the moment. Big hug

  3. Hi

    I chanced upon your blog and had been reading on and off. Recently, I was catching up with some of your blogs and was amazed at your little gir’s development. She’s very very advanced as compared to her peers.

    I’ve also read about your situation. So sorry to hear about it. It must be very painful to go through. praying along with you. Take care, be strong, many are keeping you in prayers.

  4. Hi Sunflower,
    I’ve not dropped by here for a while and only now did I realized what has happened. I am so sorry to hear about your loss and what you’re going thru. It was tough and very painful for me too when I had my miscarriage more than a year ago… Hang in there, you will pull thru. Praying for you to have complete recovery. *hugs*

    • Thanks for sharing with me about your experience too. I didn’t blame myself anymore. I know this is something we couldn’t control and want. I pray for my complete recovery… which will be a year later….

  5. Life is so full of challenges. Be strong, think positive and you can overcome the challenges. What you’re going through is definitely beyond a normal miscarriage (I’d one in Nov). Take good care and all the very best!!!

  6. Hi Sunflower, once again, I’m sorry for your loss. Remember it was an unfortunate event which was out of your control. Think positive thoughts and remember to focus on taking good care of yourself. When the going is hard, think of Yvette. Hang in there! Big hugs xx

    • Hey, it nice to bump into you that day.

      I know I have to think positive and when hard, I think a lot of Yvette too. Definitely its help. Hope to catch up with you soon!

  7. Really sorry to hear that..hang in there Sunflower. You are an awesome mother, don’t ever think otherwise. Lotsa love from all of us here.

    • Hey… how you got to know?? Anyway, thanks for leaving me your comment. Hope to see you tomorrow!

      P/S: Now I can “long talk short say” (长话短说)to you tomorrow since you have read it here!

  8. Pingback: Molar Pregnancy | Find Me A Cure

  9. Pingback: FTWM’s Voice: Does The Boss Really Understand | Once In A LifeTime

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