Our First Christmas Tree

Although both of us are Non Christian, but we do enjoy Christmas very much. Many years back, D wanted to set up a Christmas Tree at home but the “drive” was just not there.

After having Yvette, the thought came back again. However we have been procrastinating this “idea” till today.

We were efficient today. We took less than 1.5 hours to shop for the tree and the ornament.I believe it is due to there is too many choices in the market. However to keep our tree simple and easy to manage, we decided on the Purple Colour Theme for this year. (In fact we have decided to change the colour of the ornament  everyday.)

Here are some pictures I took today on setting up our first Christmas tree.


Yvette is supervising D!

We placed this tree near to Yvette’s kitchen so that she could admire it as she cooks. (Actually our house is running out space. That is the reason why we have a small tree.)


The tree does look "naked" to me. Need to buy more oranments!


Month In Review – November & Goals For December 2010

P/S: You might want to read why I started to record this entry monthly here.

1. What were the major event/s for the month?

  • Staycation at Marina Bay Sands Singapore
  • Celebrated my nephew’s birthday @ MBS
  • Have a very simple celebration for our 8th years Customary Wedding Anniversary
  • Celebrated Yvette’s half birthday with many toys!

2. What were the outings we had?

  • Went ECP for a ride.
  • Watch SSO Babies Proms 2010 with Yvette.
  • Went Ikea
  • Catch a glimpse of Barney at United Square but Yvette wasn’t keen.


3. Anything new things we did or tried?

  • Having meal at Kamado & Heaven’s Loft with my Ex-colleague.
  • Tried Pizza Pazza @ Anchorpoint Shopping Centre
  • Tried JuJu Hokkaido Hot Pot @ Paradiz Centre.


4. Any new learning curriculum for Yvette?

Back to swim with Marsden Swim School.

5. What was the family health stats for the month?

Yvette fall very very sick after the bite. (Still no idea she is bitten by what insect.) I will need to bring her back to clinic again tomorrow.

6. What were my accomplishments this month?

  • I am finally reading. I brought Are You Afraid of The Dark at the Thomson Book stall long ago and couldn’t get myself to read. And I finally pick up 好妈妈胜过好老师 to read. Many thoughts after reading this book. Will share on this site soon.

Everyday Nov 2010

  • Exercise. Finally hit gym!

7. What surprised me this month?

Yvette could blow off 5 candles after we finished singing the birthday song. She really took us by surprise. Her reaction was so swift and unexpected.

8. What were my disappointments this month?

Even the Canon camera was sent back to repair it is still faulty. I have no time to send back to repair now.

9. Any other events happened but I did not record here?

  • A outing with Yvette on 26th Nov. We wandered around Orchard and then went to United Square.


  • Yvette had heaps of fun playing water @ City Square Mall.


10. Favourite picture of Yvette with any extended family members.


11. Favourite picture of Yvette with D or myself.

Sadly, I can’t find any “meaningful” picture in my camera.

12. Family picture for the month of November.


13. Any goals for December?

  • Lose weight. I really gain a lot of weight for the past 6 mths after World Cup. It is time to lose some weight and get ready for my sister’s wedding.
  • I wonder getting a job consider my short term goal or long term goal now?

A Relaxing Morning

I am happy to have a morning for myself.

I was away home for 2.5 hours. I went to Canon to collect the camera and then went Vivo for some shopping. No repair cost is to be paid since the camera is still under warranty.

I headed Southaven for some clothing. I like clothing from Southaven. It has been my all time favourite for many many years. Comfortable yet trendy. It been a long time I since get anything for myself. (So long till Stella commented I always wear the same bottom!!! o_O)


Then I proceed to Page One to look for some books for Yvette. Sadly I didn’t manage to find any. I have my comfort food for lunch before I went back to fetch Yvette.

My Everyday life (2)

What a relaxing morning? I wish I can have more doses of this!

Month In Review – October & Goals For November 2010

P/S: You might want to read why I started to record this entry monthly here.

1. What were the major event/s for the month?

  • FIL admitted to hospital for 3 weeks in October.
  • We attended Zac’s 3rd birthday party.
  • We attended a wonderful event for children from the Children’s Cancer Foundation – The Happee Day
  • We went JB with our extended Family.

2. What were the outings we had?

  • We went SSC for outdoor water play.
  • We went to see the 73 yo Mast Ship from Portugal.

3. Anything new things we did or tried?

I can’t recall we tried anything new. Perhaps eating at Black Canyon in JB consider something new to us.

4. Any new learning curriculum for Yvette?

  • We started our learning on More About Starfall.
  • I started doing English Reading Programme with Yvette.
  • Yvette had 4 play dates in this month.

5. What was the family health stats for the month?

Yvette was unwell. On and off I was having headache.

6. What were my accomplishments this month?

I sewed some home learning kit for Yvette which is not planned for.

7. What surprised me this month?

  • Yvette had already mastered multiplication of 5 with some help of Starfall and by herself.
  • Yvette’s speech & ability to understand had reached another level.

8. What were my disappointments this month?

I couldn’t get a part time job. Seriously it is even harder to get part time job during good times as everyone is willing to pay for one full headcount. I even have agency calling me to work full time instead. This is very discouraging.

9. Any other events happened but I did not record here?

We made 3 trips to IKEA on 1st, 2nd & 17th Oct.


Picture taken on 1st Oct



Picture taken on 17th Oct


We made two shopping trips to Orchard.


A ice cream treat for the family. Yvette actually love the cone more than the ice cream



She been fascinated by the light since she is able to walk.


10. Favourite picture of Yvette with any extended family members.


A very rare moment!


11. Favourite picture of Yvette with D or myself.

This is funny. I don’t why they are so upset. This was taken on the ship. A very deceiving picture.


Why so sad?


12. Family picture for the month of October.

I like the backdrop of the picture although Yvette didn’t look into the picture.


13. Any goals for November?

  • Hit gym. Hit gym. Hit gym.
  • Get a part time job!