I have a Super Long Day

Yvette woke up at 7 am this morning and refuse to go back to her slumber. I have to follow suit despite I am still feeling sleepy.

Our day started with playing her favourite Train Puzzle then we moved on playing her kitchen set. While she was busying telling me “Cook Mama”, I have to head kitchen to prepare breakfast for her.

My sister woke up around close to 8 and the first word she said was, “wow! you so early!”

Yeah, I replied. She is early. (She slept around 10 plus close to 11 pm yesterday.)

After playing for around 2 hours, I bathed her and started to do some reading and played some educational programme on TV. (I watched with her.) Then I cooked Lunch while she moved on playing her mega block.


She kept asking me to bring her down with her 3-wheels and I eventually agreed to her request when the rain finally stopped. We went down and that took us more than half an hour.


She is actually very happy when I finally agreed to come down but I didn't know why she is so grumpy when I tried to take picture for her.

When we were back home, she went back to her kitchen set and continue with her cooking while I fed her porridge. (Hey, she only want to play!!!)

She napped at near 1 pm where I can get some rest.

While she was having her nap, I ironed the clothing, make preparation for dinner and finally could place my bottom on my bed, she opened her eye!!!

Arrr… she’s up after 2 hours nap!!! (so short!)

We did everything we played this morning. (Play train puzzle, play kitchen set, read books, revised 我会读, etc.)

I cooked dinner at near 6 in the evening,  (Soup already in the pot when she napped.) and she helped me with some simple chores.

Dinner at 7 pm and that made her sat on the chair for half an hour and off she went to play her toys again. (She really like to play her toys a lot.) She continued with all her puzzles. (Yes, she plays every single puzzle we have at home today.)


Finally she off her slumber at 10.30 pm.

Wow, I can’t imagine I have to spend everyday with her in this routine. I better plan more activities for her outside of home to keep my sanity!!!

9 thoughts on “I have a Super Long Day

  1. haha – i used to do that with my daughter. I would start to cook the dinner during breakfast. Or even the night before – put everything in the crockpot for soup/stew. Abit early, but then it’s so that when she takes her afternoon nap, i can do a very quick preparation and rest abit.

    I cannot imagine doing all that now! Think I’m not so energetic as before.

  2. I used to go through this phase with my elder boy…. So I can really understand what you are going through. Very tiring!!! 😦

  3. Wah I agree, very siong! You must be super exhausted… I’m not sure if I’ll be able to keep up with our kiddo when he’s Yvette’s age

    • That why I ask you out for date. Borrow your energy.

      And seriously, I always think you are super mum and someone I can learn a lot from. 4 kids, 1 house, 1 career!!!

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