Sixteen Lesson with GUG

Today Yvette learnt the following:

Numbering the number of babes in class and singing all the “welcome song”.

Letter X

The puppet introduced was Xavier Fox (Kss sound)

Words associated with letter are box & axe.

Confident Builder – What’s inside was next.

Boxes of corn flask were given to the babes for them to explore what is inside.

Zoo phonics followed by.

Water Break time (5-10mins)

Mandarin Play was right after the break.

My prayer was not being answered? Today, all the three activities were all repetitive sessions.

Special Project and Art & craft were next.

Senses – They let the babes smell Lemon, Pandan Leaves and Cinnamon Stick. Then the pour the flavoring into the paint and let the babes used those paint to do palm stamping.


Yvette's Palm Print

We ended our lesson with a song.

Finally our term had come to an end. I wonder will Yvette miss the class this coming Thursday. I exchanged my number with some mummies and hoping we can remain in touch.

Fifteen Lesson with GUG

Today Yvette learnt the following:

Numbering the number of babes in class and singing all the “welcome song”.

Letter W

The puppet introduced was Willie Weasel. (A repetitive session)

Words associated with letter are wash, wet and water.

Confident Builder was next.

This was rather interesting. Not all babes liked it. This activity was formed from the story book told on last Tuesday; The Bear Hunt.

The babes had to go thru 4 obstacle tests.

1st Test: Teacher Ash held the pole with paper steamers. (We have to imagine that as a forest.) The babes got to go over it.

2nd Test: The babes had to walk in a pail of water. (We have to imagine that as river.)

3rd Test: The teacher placed some clothes in the pail of water. (Now we have to imagine that is mud.) Again the babes had to walk in that pail of “mud”.

4th Test: (The funniest part) (We have to imagine that as a cave.) The babes had to crawl under the table to another end of the table. Teacher Aida even crawled under the table to show the babes. Only two babes made it. It was baby Janielle and Saga. Aisha took his crawl but when he was about to reach, he made a U-turn. That was funny though. Yvette, being the most playful babe, when I try to lure her to crawl over as my head was moving up and down the table at another end, she got excited and started to play “beek-a-boo” with me. :S (Everyone laughed!)

This activity was full of excitement.

Zoo phonics followed by.

Water Break time (5-10mins)

Mandarin Play was right after the break.

This time was not the same. Even she repeated two songs that have been taught before; she incorporated something new to her 15 mins session today.

She introduced a fruit to the babes today. She even prepared the fruit and let them try. The fruit introduce was dragon fruit, 火龙果。She described the look of the fruit to the babes and the fruit was passed down to every babe for feel and touch. I let Yvette tried the fruit even though she never taken it before. (It should be fine for Yvette since she is already one.)

Has my prayer being answered? (But I have not feed backed to them yet.)

Special project was next.

(I think today must be”fruit day”?)

Before Teacher Ash brought out a big watermelon to show the babes, the she told a story that was not really related to watermelon. After the story, the teachers described the watermelon to the babes. And the watermelon was rolled around to each babe too (for another touch and feel session). The teachers also prepared the cut watermelon to show to the babes too. But the babes didn’t get the chance to eat them because it was blended into juicy. 🙂 They got a chance to drink them instead. It was Yvette’s fav. Juice. (Yvette drinks fruit juice every day after she turned one.) There was one babe cried for not having enough of juice. He was so innocent!

We ended our lesson with a song.

The class was big today.9 babes turned up. Almost full strength except one boy was sick. We had a lot of exciting moments. Next Tuesday will be Yvette’s last lesson. I think we gonna to miss most of the babes and mummies around. 5 babes will move up to the next level, 1 left (that is us), 3 remain and 1 unknown.

Is GUG cheaper?

We are going to complete a term with GUG and I have also signed up a term for Yvette in JGC. And I made a comparison on their school fee.


16 lessons (8 weeks term)

Registration: S$50

Course fee: S$560

Refundable deposit: S$150

GST: S$42.70

Total: S$802.70

Fee per session: S$35

Fee (Reg. + GST): S$92.70



20 lessons (10 weeks term)

Registration: S$35

Course fee: S$740

Refundable deposit: S$200

Book/Resource fee: S$9.50

GST: S$54.92

Total: S$1,001.97

Fee per session: S$37

Fee (Reg. + Book +GST): S$99.42


GUG is slightly cheaper by S$14.72 assuming they are running their terms in 10 weeks term.

I did my maths. I am still a typically accountant!

Fourteen Lesson with GUG

Today Yvette learnt the following:

Numbering the number of babes in class and singing all the “welcome song”.

Letter W

The puppet introduced was Willie Weasel.

Words associated with letter are water, wet and wipe.

I love the way Teacher Dane (new teacher) illustrated the meaning of those words with a chain of actions. She started with drinking her water from the bottle. She purposely dripped some water and wet the floor. She then used a cloth to wipe the floor dry.

Story-telling and Zoo phonics followed by.

Water Break time (5-10mins)

Mandarin Play was right after the break.

The teacher taught the followings:

  1. Some words; 兔子, 鹅, 羊 together with song and a story.
  2. 蝴蝶 accompanied with scarf.
  3. The round flash card again.

The above activities were all repeated. Honestly, I really feel shortchange in this area. Why they couldn’t look into this area and make some improvement? Shall I provide them some feedback?

Special project was next.

Water play accompanied with visual sensation.

Pebbles and (colour) Lego blocks were placed into the water. They gave the babes a box seal with yellow and red plastic at the lip of the box. We were supposed to hold the box to let our babes see thru those coloured plastic. Colour changed when red mixed with yellow turned orange. Yellow and blue truned green. Oh well, my Yvette wasn’t keen at all. She was so busy playing water.

And we bid goodbye with a song.

The class was small today. 2 boys and a girl were not here. 6 babes together. One boy was asked to leave the class due to (obviously) he was sick. He shouldn’t be here in the first place. I wonder why the maid still brought him here.

We were late again. Yvette slept at 2 and didn’t wake up by 4. I have to pull her up and took a taxi to class. Bad timing though, but, I’m sure I am going to miss some of the mothers after this term ends next Tuesday.