Term 4: Tenth Lesson with JGC

Time flies, half of the term is already gone by today.

Yvette in dress

Yvette in dress

This morning was also a breeze for me. I dressed Yvette into a dress. I never dress her in dress to school before and this was her first time! I tried to leave home early to reach school early as Teacher Winnie “highlighted” to me we are always late. So…. I must make effort to be there for the free play. And Yes! we were early, as well as Lorriane!!! (Lorriane’s Mum made an effort to come early too.)

Yvette unlike other toddler, they move around freely even when their care-giver is around. She most of the time, stick to me. She will sit near me even she plays. She doesn’t pose a sign of independent. I thought by sending her to enrichment class will gain independency but I am wrong. Perhaps I am her only caregiver, (most Yvette’s classmate got helper to take care of them even their mummies are not working.)  Or perhaps we practice attachment parenting. Well, I guess the chance for me to go back to work is getting slimmer day by day.

Anyway, today there was a little girl joined us for a trial. She was crying most of the time and didn’t actually “blend-into” the class. This was her first time to attend class. I guess she was over-whelmed with too many people around.

Oliver Owl was “moving” around once we gathered in circle after clearing the toys away. And this time, Yvette didn’t like her at all. And this caught us by surprise. Hmmmm… why?

Oliver Owl

Oliver Owl

After the Oliver Owl “said” hi to all the babies, we sang our good morning song. Then it followed by the magic box. Today they were going to play with shakers and learnt a Rhyme.

Shake, Shake, Shake your sillies out (3x)
Wiggle your waggles away!

Then we have biscuit for snack. Then they had flour play as one of the additional activity for their outdoor play. Today, Teacher Shoba wasn’t around to play the organ for the music and movement. So they arranged a male teacher to play guitar instead. Yvette kept starring at him play guitar. @_@

Yvette starring at the teacher playing guitar

Yvette starring at the teacher playing guitar

After class, I went down to the toy shop at the basement in Forum to try my luck for a toy that I been searching . Ladyluck was kind to me and I managed to find it. (I will blog about my recent toy hunting soon.)

We ate at Starbuck where I had sandwich for lunch and Yvette had her porridge and headed to my SIL’s house to wait for the contractor to come to fix her toilet door.