Term 4: Eighth Lesson with JGC

I have an extra pairs of hand today.

Hubby was on MC today. With his help, I am much efficient. We left home early and reached school punctually. We have a sharing session during the free play on the topic on babysitting and safety. Teacher Winnie shared with us kitchen and toilet are the two places at home we shouldn’t left our child alone. Accident always happened there.

Class started at 11.25 pm with good morning song. Yvette pushed Ladybug Lindy away when “she” crawled toward her. Yvette is never friendly to puppet. Story time and Parachute Play were next. After given a chance to play twice at GUG and first term with JGC, Yvette still doesn’t it.

After the Parachute Play, the babies were required to go and wash their hands before their snacks.

Today snack time was a little bit special. One of Yvette’s classmates was celebrating his first birthday. His granny baked a cake for him and his parents brought it to school and shared it with us. So snack time was a little bit longer this round. While the babies were busying eating the given biscuit, we mummies were busying eating the cake. As the cake wasn’t too rich and not sweet at all, I shared it with Yvette too. (It’s a nice cake.)

The birhday boy and his birthday cake

The birhday boy and his birthday cake

Free play at the indoor playground was next and the class ended at the usual timing after music and movement.

I did not go home right after the class. I went Toys R Us to buy toys for the birthday boy as we were invited to his birthday party at ECP Chalet. After getting the gifts, my niece called and asked me to have lunch with her at Paragon. Without second thought, I agreed despite I have asked hubby to pack my lunch.

I need to sneak out. It’s really getting soooooooooooooo boring and tiring due to the renovation. We have lunch at Soup Spoon. After lunch, we went to buy some grocery at the supermarket and then went up to 5th floor to Vita Kidz to get some snack for Yvette.

There is an indoor playground at Paragon. And this playground is always crowded with bigger kids as it was meant for children above 2 or 3. There weren’t much kids playing around so we decided to let Yvette to play there.

My niece was so worried Yvette might fall as this playground was meant for bigger kids. And Yvette was also getting a little bit ambition here. Instead of climbing a step at a time, she was attempting to crawl up 2 steps at once. -.-!!!

She was having great fun. We took a cab home after I couldn’t get what I want to buy for Yvette. Yvette was so alive in the cab although it should be her nap time. She didn’t sleep and she brought her joy home. Initially she was carrying my bag and keep “talking” and “talking” as she moved around our room. But my bag was a little bit heavy and big for her so I got her another bag for her “pretend play”. I took some video clips and these clips were so funny.

She finally dozed off around 4 plus and she didn’t nap for long.